As a Wedding Photographer, I think the most important element that will help us to achieve images that will capture all the moments and emotion of your wedding day, is the relationship between me and the Bride & Groom. When I say "us", I mean me and you. I'm going to be part of your team to make sure everything goes to plan on your wedding day.
At previous weddings I've done everything from needlework to first aid just to make sure everything works out and to take the stress off my Bride & Groom.
As well as talking through some of my previous weddings, I'll also put some images on the blog as, most importantly, you need to have confidence that I can produce the results. You may even pick up some ideas for things you might like to use on your big day.
Enough of me droning on for now, just so you can put a face to a name then this is me. No, I don't have a helicopter! This was a day out with a local Search and Rescue Sqn., and yes, it was a brilliant day.
Check back soon and we can talk Weddings and photos!!
And if you haven't been to the website yet, then go have a look. Its at and theres a Facebook page at